Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Opa and his big dreams

This blog post is inspired by my Opa, Richard Behrens.
He passed away this past Sunday afternoon 14th September after 89 years of a full life. 

In memory I'd like to post this collection of photo's. 

The images represent a part of the man he was. 

Here's a bit more info on the trip from my cousin Marcus (the historian in the family):
They (Hugo Behrens, Richard Behrens and Theodor Müller) departed Kroondal on 8 January 1947 with their bicycles tied to the roof of their uncle Hermann Misselhorn's Ford V8 - they had organized a lift to Natal. 
The cycling part of the journey began two days later 10 Jaunary (Friday) from Wartburg, Natal. They arrived in Stellenbosch on 29 January at 16:15 a Wednesday afteroon. 
Hugo and Theo flew to Johannesburg while Richard stayed in Stellenbosch.


Ad Libitum Opa!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Root & Rise

 a new journal | a new season

Our lives never truly stand still, though sometimes it feels like it, truth is we keep moving. Our surroundings change and we change. In the move from one season into the next – it’s necessary to stop and reflect so that you’re able to give the previous one the farewell and acknowledgement it deserves. In fact the very people and experiences you leave behind become the basis for your gratitude and the reason for the open horizon that lies ahead. Our 'roots' provide us the means and teach us to 'rise'... 

R O O T  
 not visible on surface | deeply established | grounded 

In 2008, five and half years ago I felt God leading me to take a gap year and serve Every Nation, my then student church in Stellenbosch, for a year by serving on a church plant team to Pretoria with Phillip & Rene Pretorius and 6 others. During the year of ministry I also began serving our then small church with design work and helping with any media needs. As my gap year ended I was offered a job in the administration team as media director. We started off small but as the church grew so did the work type, demand and volunteer team that worked with me. To say that I learnt and grew in the last 5 and a half years is a terrible understatement. If I look back I stand in awe of all God has done and continues to do with individuals who are willing to trust Him to lead their life. The most unexpected was that Pretoria would creep into my heart so deeply - through all my involvement, serving, discovering and living I have formed the deepest love for this city and it’s people.

At the end of July, this past week, I said my formal good byes to the Administration team and resigned from my role as media director. I feel particularly blessed because I'm leaving the EN admin team FULL. So grateful for the last five years, the people who've shaped me, the lessons I've learnt and the fact that my five years here are as much apart of my future as they are of my past. It’s not a farewell, the context and environment of my work hours are changing, but my discipleship, ministry and involvement in God’s work in the city won’t. I like to believe that with my new move will expand and enflame my work as well as life in the inner city.

R I S E 
upward movement | ascend | aerial perspective

Once I made the decision to resign, I felt strongly the need to take a month off and travel a bit of Africa. I know that my new work space and life when I get back will combine my interests in community work, cross-cultural exchange, church, graphics, illustration, Africa, city upliftment, discipleship, collaboration... This month feels like an extension of all of this, it allows for me to explore these passions in an ‘open’ space, away from the familiar and the rush. It's a time of rest, as much as it's a time of stretching my thought horizons and vision from the vantage point of an unknown environment!

 I've had an interest in Rwanda and read and heard a lot about it due to topics like reconciliation, conflict resolution and cross-cultural dialogue which are often of  relevance in the nation in effort to repair and rebuild the nation after the 1994 Genocide. The 'land of a thousand hills' and it's equatorial jungle landscape has also added to the appeal. When I realised that my flight to Juba would take me via Kigali, Rwanda I took that as a very valid reason to extend my stop over to a 9 day traveling visit. I was initially going to travel on my own but a short 3 weeks before leaving I received a travel partner in the form of my earliest friend - Katrin. Our mom's were pregnant together and our friendship took root from the minute we arrived on earth :) She's my illustration guru-inspiration and a kindred spirit. I couldn't have asked for a better partner! We hope to get an extensive view of this beautiful country by traveling as pack backers. We’re spending two nights in the capital Kigali and there after will travel west to lake Kivu and the surrounding mountains. Can't wait to share it all with her...

South Sudan 
 Almost a year and a half ago, Every Nation Church Southern Africa followed the prompting of God and initiated an outreach, commitment and finally a church plant in the city of Juba, South Sudan. South Sudan is the youngest nation in the world; plenty of potential, combined with problems – and overall a nation that is open and ready for the Gospel. 6 months ago both my housemates and their better halves (one husband, one fiancée) moved to South Sudan, Juba to be apart of the church plant. In various ways all four of them have given of their skills, job experience, efforts and time to God for Him to use them whatever way possible to reach locals, disciple them, and raise them to be the leaders that lead the church. 

I arrive in Juba on the 13th of August with the sole purpose of observing and being with my friends. Accommodation in Juba is unthinkably expensive (various reasons for that) but Miemie & DeWet have managed to find me accommodation in their orphanage sick room ;) The idea is that I can help with media and graphics needs at CCC, but also help Miemie in her day to day chores around the orphanage. Sanmari & Stephan are working for Deloitte in Juba - who knows they might just need the eyes of an extra auditor ;) Highly unlikely that they'd request the help of this right brain dominant being - I'll be the coffee barer. Mostly I can’t wait to just be and share with my friends in their new reality. I’ve realized in skype and email conversations how little I know and how different their realities are there. Can't wait to understand. 

From the 28th of August seven people from South Africa will be joining for a 12 day mission. The idea is that the 8 of us will also help and serve the church plant team in whatever way we can. The focus will be to support and enhance the three focus area's the team has already identified. This includes the orphanage, a village church in Rajaf and the expat church in UN compound. Also I strongly believe that the change of context and culture will challenge and teach us a lot about church, discipleship and ultimately God's heart for people. I’m really looking forward to sharing the experience with the team. The group of 8 are all in unity about helping where we can and getting as much as possible realistic view of what life is like in Juba. It's hard to pre-empt what we might feel and experience but I'm excited to see what God has in store.   

R O O T  &  R I S E 

When I get back from South Sudan middle September I start with my freelancing in graphics and illustration in the Inner City of Pretoria. I have felt God challenging me to use and put to work the resources He has placed in and around me to use by basing myself in the inner city and offering my ‘services’. My ultimate aim is to add to the community I live in by being a part of the transformation and upliftment not just through ministry but through job creation too. I can't wait to get my hands dirty, work hard, collaborate with others with similar dreams, give of my time and energy and see how it can bring change to the inner city of Pretoria. My involvement with the Every Nation Inner City church will obviously be incorporated in this. I find it impossible to separate my faith from my work, because they compliment and direct one another simultaneously.

I’m really grateful for the last five years, as much as I am excited for all that lies ahead. My biggest safety and greatest gift is that I’ve learnt through the last few years how to trust in God. His timing, His character and His bigger picture. As one trusts Him, in turn faith grows. This is not a short course or fast lesson it’s gradual and needs your life, all of it, your plans and your willingness to trust and follow. If you do, it’s incredible to experience and later look back on how God works things together! 

He is enough. Enough to deeply satisfy me and lead me on a path I know will teach me to root even deeper and rise higher than before. 

I hope to share some thoughts and experiences further as I travel the next month.
Till then! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

All my love.

God truly keeps His promises. 
A year and a half ago, and still He's calling me deeper. 
Never relenting. 
A thirst that can only ever truly be quenched in Him.
And still the promise,
of the discovery of the depths that lie ahead...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mutti celebrates 59years

When your loved one's live far away then one tends to get more sentimental about them.
It was my mom's birthday this past weekend, a picture poem was the best way of sending my longings and wishes to her.

Here are a few snippets from the visual poem...